Concrete Flatwork Finisher
A Concrete Flatwork Finisher is a craftsman who has demonstrated knowledge about and the ability to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect concrete flatwork. A Concrete Flatwork Technician is a person who is knowledgeable about proper procedures to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect concrete flatwork, but who lacks sufficient work experience to qualify as a Concrete Flatwork Finisher.
Scope and Knowledge
The primary technical resource for this program is ACI's Concrete Craftsman Series, Slabs on Grade, CCS-1. The program requires knowledge in the following areas of concrete construction:
Planning for slab-on-ground placement
Concrete materials, mixture proportioning, and control tests
Preparation before placing concrete
Floor flatness and levelness
Placing equipment
Finishing tools and equipment
Procedures for finishing slabs-on-ground
Curing and protection of concrete
Finishing problems and possible solutions
Certification Requirements
For Concrete Flatwork Finisher:
ACI will grant certification only to those candidates who obtain a passing grade on the written examination PLUS either:
Possess 1,500 hours of actual on-the-job finishing experience (approximately one year of regular full-time work) AND successfully complete the performance examination, OR
Possess 4,500 hours of actual on-the-job finishing experience (approximately three years of regular full-time work).
The two-hour written examination is "closed book" and consists of approximately fifty multiple-choice questions. The passing grade for the written examination is 70%.
Indiana Chapter ACI uses Affidavit Forms in lieu of doing a hands-on Performance Exam. Finishing experience includes concrete placement, consolidation, jointing, curing and protection, finishing, form setting, prep work, rubbing, patching, and saw cutting. Verification of the work experience by the candidate's employer(s) is required using the affidavit forms distributed at the Written Exam.
Recertification is necessary every five years, and requires successful completion of a written examination.
For Concrete Flatwork Technician:
Those who obtain a passing grade on the written examination, but lack the required work experience to become a Certified Flatwork Finisher. Individuals with Flatwork Technician certification can upgrade to full Flatwork Finisher status upon submittal and approval of sufficient work experience or successful completion of the ACI performance evaluation.
Training / Study Material
Indiana Chapter provides a non-mandatory Training Course, typically the same day the Written Exam is scheduled. In addition we make available a study guide as part of the exam registration. This study guide can be used for self-study, and is also used in our Training Course. The affidavit forms for verification of work experience are passed out and discussed at the Written Exam.
Please bring a photo I.D to the Exam.