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Past officers



Vice President


2023/2024 Jaimie Huhn Garrett Berger John Krupski
2022/2023 Larry Arthur Jaimie Huhn Jaime Shields
2016/2017 Larry Arthur Josh Agee Jaime Shields/Steve Antos
2015/2016 Don Corson Larry Arthur Jaime Shields/Steve Antos
2014/2015 John Krupski Don Corson Tom Grisinger
2013/2014 Ryan Decker John Krupski Tom Grisinger
2012/2013 Don Corson Ryan Decker Tom Grisinger
2011/2012 Jack Springer Don Corson Tom Grisinger
2010/2011 Mike Rose Jack Springer Tom Grisinger
2009/2010 Scott Hall Mike Rose Tom Grisinger
2008/2009 Brian Stater Scott Hall Tom Grisinger
2007/2008 Brian Stater Virgil Mabrey Tom Grisinger
2006/2007 Dave Elmer Brian Stater Tom Grisinger
2005/2006 Jim Shubert Terry Hughes Tom Grisinger
2004/2005 Brian Stater Jim Shubert Tom Grisinger
2003/2004 Virgil Mabrey Brian Stater Tom Grisinger
2002/2003 Mike Crowley Virgil Mabrey Tom Grisinger
2001/2002 Dave Elmer Bill Dubois Tom Grisinger
2000/2001 Steve Bruns Dave Elmer Tom Grisinger
1999/2000 Judy Costello Steve Bruns Tom Grisinger
1998/1999 Chris Tull Judy Costello Tom Grisinger
1997/1998 Tom Grisinger Chris Tull Gary Oakes
1996/1997 Bill Horton Tom Grisinger Gary Oakes