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Concrete 101

  • The Wellington Banquet and Conference Center 9775 North by Northeast Blvd. (96th Street & I-69) Fishers, IN 46038 United States (map)


The class will focus on topics that impact job-site superintendents, finishers, project managers, engineers, specifiers and anyone who works on concrete projects.  This interactive class will address New Innovations in concrete and a few older concepts . The cost for the class is about the cost for one cubic yard of concrete; this class is a great investment in your future projects.  Attendees will receive credit for 6.5 Professional Development Hours.

  • Topics:

    A.                Maturity Vs. Field Cylinders- Intellirock- Tom Luby

    B.                Carbon Injection of Concrete- IMI – Chris West

    C.                Sika NS- Expanding Concrete- Shelby Materials- Chris Wolfe

    D.                Micro Fiber vs. Macro Fiber and Replacement of WWF- Fiber Force- Rich Gardner

    E.                 LEED- Concrete EPD- Wilhelm Construction Co. Inc. – Ryan Decker

    F.                 Concrete Admixtures- IMI- Chad Clark

    G.                Concrete Tolerances-

    H.                New Testing Programs- ICACI President- Larry Arthur

The fee for the class is:          $100 for Indiana Chapter ACI members and Employees of Organizational and Contributing Members



Concrete 101
Earlier Event: August 10
Social Hour with an ACI Engineer