Scott Hall of SRM Ready Mix located in Central Indiana will discuss Cement Slurry Soil Stabilization Pros, Cons, and cost.
Scott Hall is the Sales Manager at Smyrna Ready Mix also known as SRM Concrete. He began his ready-mix career with Builder’s Concrete Company in 2004 which became Sagamore Ready Mix in 2013. He worked as the company’s Quality Control Manager for 10 years, And was eventually promoted to Sales Manager which is his current role for SRM. Prior to entering the ready mix industry, he worked at Alt & Witzig Engineering where he gained knowledge of the soil stabilization process, specifically the chemical’s role in strength development of natural, untreated, soil. At Sagamore Ready Mix he put that knowledge to work by developing new innovative stabilization products, Cement Slurry and SoilCrete Slurry. These products are produced, delivered and placed by using a ready mix company’s existing assets. These new products allowed Sagamore Ready Mix to be a part of a whole new line of business which includes soil stabilization and full depth reclamation. Scott has worked hard to grow the market for these materials by educating engineers and contractors on the proper ways to use them. Since Scott’s introduction of these products to the Central Indiana market in 2008, Cement Slurry and SoilCrete Slurry have been used to improve soils and recycle roadways on hundreds of different private and public projects. Scott lives in Fishers, Indiana with his wife and 3 boys. He enjoys boating, fishing, golfing, the Chicago Cubs, and coaching for his son’s Indiana Bulls travel baseball team.