Affiliated with the American Concrete Institute International, the Indiana Chapter is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to advancing concrete knowledge and is operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes. The Indiana Chapter ACI covers nearly the entire state of Indiana. Among our members are owners, engineers, educators, ready-mixed suppliers, material suppliers, precast fabricators, contractors, testing labs, and interested individuals. The nine-member board of directors is composed of representatives from our membership.
Benefits of membership
Certification programs for ACI Concrete Field Testing Technicians Grade 1, ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technician, and ACI Concrete Flatwork Finisher Certification.
Annual Scholarships to students in concrete-related fields of study at Indiana colleges.
Free use of our technical library. Many ACI publications are available for free check-out.
Great educational and technical programs, including our popular Concrete 101 Seminar.
The Palindrome, our chapter newsletter, delivered to you by email.
Our ICACI annual membership directory.
Lots of opportunities to talk about concrete with others who care.
Have a direct line to the board of the ICACI.
Networking opportunities at ICACI programs and events.
Membership information
The membership year is January 1st to December 31st. There are six different membership classifications. Please see a description of each and the yearly membership dues listed below. Please note that membership in ACI International is not a requirement for membership in the local ACI Chapters.
When you join , please provide contact information for the ICACI Directory and for our Member Database. Contributing and Organizational Member companies should indicate a primary member, who will serve as the contact person for your company. Correct email addresses are very important, as email is the primary means of notification for upcoming events and programs. Please indicate if you are a member of ACI International and provide your member number.
Membership Classification
Open to a person, firm, corporation, society, educational institution, government agency or other organization electing to give greater to the Chapter by contributing a larger amount of dues. Six (6) representatives shall receive benefits of Affiliate membership and Contributing member receives advertisement in Membership Directory and Chapter newsletter “Palindrome.” Please include artwork (Business card size) for membership directory and newsletter.
Open to a person, firm, corporation, society, educational institution, government agency or other organization. Six (6) representatives shall receive benefits of Affiliate membership. Please provide information on each individual under this Organizational membership.
For anyone who belongs to ACI-International. ACI-International members may belong to any number of chapters, but can only hold office in one chapter.
For anyone NOT a member in any classification of ACI-International. Affiliate Members may actively participate in local Chapter affairs except that they may not hold office within the Chapter, nor vote on propositions before the International membership.
Shall be less than 28 years of age and a registered student at an educational institution. Graduate students less than 32 years of age may be granted student membership when the graduate student’s faculty advisor endorses request for such. A Student Member shall neither vote nor hold office.