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The Palindrome

The Palindrome is the quarterly Newsletter of the Indiana Chapter ACI. In it we feature articles about events and activities at ICACI as well as informational topics relevant to concrete construction. We are always seeking articles of interest to our membership. Particularly of interest are articles that show how concrete has been used successfully in construction. Informational articles on the proper design, production and installation of concrete and concrete products are encouraged.

Download the latest Issue from December 2015

To Submit a Story Idea

Email our Newsletter Committee Chair with your idea (see our “Committees” and “Board Roster” pages for names and contact information).

To Submit an Article for Consideration

Email the proposed article to our Newsletter Committee Chair (see our “Committees” and “Board Roster” pages for names and contact information)

  1. Article must be of interest to our membership.
  2. Article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. If editing is required, proposed changes will be provided to the author for review and approval prior to newsletter release.
  3. Relevant photographs are encouraged.
  4. Article must not contain inflammatory or inappropriate language.
  5. The ICACI Board of Directors reserves the right to reject a submission for any reason.