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2024 ICACI Thomas Grisinger Scholarship Golf Outing

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2024 ICACI Thomas Grisinger Scholarship Golf Outing

  • Pebble Brook Golf Club 3110 Westfield Road Noblesville, IN, 46062 United States (map)

Join us for a fun day at the Pebblebrook Golf Course.
Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. with a Shotgun start at 10:00 p.m. 
The cost of the event includes a round of golf, unlimited range balls, lunch, after-round appetizers, drinks, a donation to the scholarship fund and a contribution to the prize fund.

*Approximately $60 of the registration fee per person, all of the hole sponsorship and mulligans and half of the skins are considered as donations to the Scholarship Fund and are therefore tax deductible. 

Annual Golf outing (Foursome)
Hole Sponsorship With a foursome

Sponsor a hole during our annual golf outing. Get them while you can. There are only 18 available.


Hole Sponsorship Without a foursome

Sponsor a hole during our annual golf outing. Get them while you can. There are only 18 available.


$20 per foursome. (50:50 split on proceeds)

from $20.00

Purchase mulligans to help your score.
Only 2 Mulligans allowed per player.

2022 ICACI Drink Cart Sponsor
Presenting Sponsorship - Golf Outing

Presenting sponsors will receive a large banner advertisement the day of the outing, a 4 person team entry, 1 hole sponsor, and name and logo on all golf outing advertisements!